Introductory position 1

White to move.

Your task is to answer each of the following questions in the following order.

1. Evaluate the position. What are the advantageous and disadvantageous features for White and Black? (Time to be taken: 7 minutes)
2. Should white play for a win or should white accept a draw? (Additional time to be taken: 2 minutes)
3. Find the best plan for white. Please consider that Black's best possibilities also in forming the satisfactory plan. (Additional time to be taken: 10 minutes)
4. What specific move should white play? How is the play likely to go ahead? Give some variations. If white plays 1. Rb5, and Black responds with 1...Rb7, what is the best continuation for white? (Additional time to be taken: 6 minutes)

Total time: 7 + 2 + 10 + 6 = 25 minutes

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